Tuesday, November 02, 2004

election day

So today it happens. Americans are voting in droves this year, and the stakes are high. I had expected it to be ugly and contentious with polls showing voters split down the middle, but now I think it might not be as close as people think. The republicans are desparate, playing all sorts of dirty tricks to prevent people from voting, but the turn out could be so high that there's nothing they can do. Early reports are saying that people are lining up for hours. To vote. It's like Krispy Kreme franchises opening across the country.

This election has revealed a lot about a lot of people. It has revealed the incompetence and immorality of the Bush administration. It has revealed the bias of the mass media. It has revealed the incredible powers of self-delusion in everyday people. All of this would be considerably less obvious without the internet, of course. The internet has pulled these phenomena from ground to figure.

Most people are not ready to accept what so many of us have been saying for years. This administration is beyond corrupt, beyond immoral, and beyond incompetent. It is without a doubt, the worst administration in memory, and more corrupt by an order of magnitude. It is so bad that it is actually impossible for the average person to comprehend. We've all heard about crooked politicians before-- what makes these guys any worse?

This puts it in context for me: George Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, while ostensibly supporting America in WWII was Hitler's secret banker. While George (the 1st) was flying his plane for the allies, his dad was moving Hitler's money around for him. He was trading with the enemy. He was making money from the war.

When George Bush I became president, once Saddam Hussein was declared America's enemy, Dick Cheney was secretly doing business with Iraq through Halliburton. And now today it has been revealed that the Bushes have been dealing with the Saudis for decades, while their country is the leading exporter of terrorism. These people are professional war profiteers of the highest order. How is it possible that they can get away with this?


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