Tuesday, July 20, 2004

CNN's New Paula Zahn ad (TV spot)

Anyone see the new Paula Zahn spot on CNN? In it, in fact the closer of the ad shows lovely Paula giving the hardball question to the Secretary of State:
Paula: "Was going into Iraq worth it in the end?" -- or something like that --
Powell: "Yes, it was." -- or something to that effect --

Blatant pro-war propaganda anyone?
What just changed folks, CNN was getting pretty liberal for a while there, wasn't it? Or perhaps it's just because it's Monday, and not Leftie Friday anymore.
Or perhaps it's because Martha's been sentenced. Or is it because Kerry/Edwards is starting to kick Bush's ass? Or is it just the network trying to console a bitchy public so they will keep watching Martha's commercials 24 hours a day for the next two weeks. (Probably the next year, actually-- they say the sentence could take that long to get through appeal).
The CNN spot is most certainly disturbing, though, isn't it? I don't think it is appropriate for the media channels to be taking such obvious sides in such a contentious argument. At least they should fake it a little, don't you think? You know, try to maintain some semblance of impartiality. News judgment, they used to call it. Or editorial judgment. Judgment has seemingly left the building at CNN.
What network should be permitted to say such statements under the guise of promoting one of their shows?
Should there not be a law somewhere that prevents that from happening? How can we tolerate, as a public (that presumeably does _not_ want to be brainwashed by our media) the blatant broadcasted dissemination of such strong and quite likely _false_ claims. The only reason I say "quite likely" is that while I clearly disagree with Powell's position on the war, I cannot actually prove that his position is wrong. I'm pretty damn sure it is wrong, but I will admit it is currently impossible to prove. Until we have the benefit of hindsight, we're both really just guessing on that one.
And that, my friends, is exactly why CNN should _not_ be permitted to air such commercials. If I can't say that I'm damn sure of something, I'm not going to go proclaiming it to be so from the highest mountaintop I can find. CNN in effect, is doing just that. They are abusing their power as a broadcaster in order to influence public opinion.
This is not to say that CNN is any worse than anyone else (although they certainly _are_ worse than many), but this was a particularly un-real example of media abuse.
Stay tuned for more abuses, from all sorts of seedy types.


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