Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Closing of the Senate

Harry Reid closes the Senate

I really do hope that this is the start of something big. Could this be the moment we were all waiting for? Or will it be another opportunity for the republicans to twist reality into another bizarre shape until the public is once again frustrated and gives up on expecting anything to change?

If you listen to the true believers, like Santorum you'd be forgiven for being cynical. These guys are so slick, so slimey it's incredible. They've been lying so long they don't realize it anymore. I have to hand it to them, they really have redefined politics - it isn't about public service anymore, it's about public relations. They sound so perfectly reasonable when they spew their lies that you almost think you're crazy, until you go back and check the facts again. How do they do it? They are simply pathological...


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