Tuesday, July 27, 2004

the DMC

Tonight's speeches at the DMC: (via CNN)

Ted Kennedy: Pundits said his speech wasn't great. Heard someone say he was too negative, but another say that the democrats on the floor want more of the same. He played his role well. Someone on my side of the TV said, "is that the drunk guy?" Personally, I thought he was effective at voicing what a lot of democrats are thinking but are afraid to say.

Howard Dean: Nice reception by the crowd. Shows they remember that he was the first to re-energize the democrats, and the first to really stand up to the lunacy in Washington.

Barack Obama: Sounded like a home run. CNN: "Rising star". To me he looked like someone with a great future in Washington. At least I hope so. The republicans are probably thinking all sorts of nasty things to take this guy down.

Ron Reagan: One issue wonder. CNN pundits assumed he was a "liberal" which I think is code for gay, isn't it? I watched most of his speech twice, and found him rather plastic. I think he oversold stem cell research as a healthcare panacea.

Teresa Heinz-Kerry: I thought she was amazing. CNN pundits wrote her off as intelligent immigrant who happened to marry Kerry. Someone said she was definitely the "sexiest" potential first lady ever...now that's depth of reporting.

I didn't realize that her husband died in a plane crash too. How strange is that? Damn Bush-sabatoge.

Jeff Greenfield (CNN) showing piece on women in politics. He downplayed Geraldine Ferraro's nomination in '84 as not that much of a watershed moment, and suggested the US has made a great deal of progress in that regard, seeing as there are now 9 (?) women senators. Personally, I think that's still a huge disgrace, but who am I to judge...


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