Tuesday, August 24, 2004

stem cell research

Can someone explain to me why stem cell research is an election issue? Are Americans so mindless that Ron Reagan gives a hyped-up speech and suddenly everyone supports pursuing this mysterious and unproven area of science? You can't tell me that the American people actually understand the myriad issues that surround it. But the Kerry campaign knows that taking a position on it is a sure-fire bet to get a certain number of people's attention. I could not possibly survive in politics, where you can't expect to win through reason and good judgment, by convincing people to vote for you for the right reasons. You have to convince them to vote for you for a bunch of wrong reasons, because those are the only ones that they can understand.

It's so pathetically sad. This election should be a landslide, and it probably won't be, because the population is so damn ignorant.


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