Wednesday, October 13, 2004

this debate is something else

It really pisses me off that Bush is suggesting to the American public that Canadian drugs could be contaminated. What a load of shit. He just took a shot at England. Blamed them for the vaccine shortage. long until he takes a shot at the Aussies? There aren't many allies left after that...

Bush is foaming at the mouth now.

the future of wiki - how wiki will change the world

ha! wolf blitzer just asked john king to comment on "the enormity of this night" this night being the final debate between bush and kerry. enormity, indeed.

The Future of Wiki: How Wiki Will Change the World

Create a wiki on corporation info. Who they are, who owns them, who pays their bills. Political contributions. Create rating system. Enable consumers to know exactly where their money is going!!!!!!

Friday, October 01, 2004

the debate -- this is the turning point

A good summation of the debate is here:

t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | It Was a Rout:

This is what happens when you surround yourself with yes-men. John Kerry put the bricks to Bush and the last four years of his administration clearly, concisely, eloquently and with devastating effect. Bush reacted like a man who has never, ever had anyone tell him anything other than 'Good job, sir.'

Watching this debate was like scratching an itch you've had for four years. Has this all been a dream after all?? THIS is the President of the United States? The man is a disgrace, plain and simple.