Stan Goff: "Bring 'Em On?"
It's becoming clear to me that Bush's "bring 'em on" may be the soundbite that sticks the most to him. His presidency has been an utter disaster, it appears as though his handlers have decided to drive it into the ground by going for the "third rail"-- after all, what do they have to lose? The "rapture right" are all riled up and running amok, torturing us all with their lunacy every night on TV, as well as those poor souls who are unfortunate enough to become pawns for this so-called "culture war". Yes, the "culture of life" has truly reversed completely with the left's supposed "culture of death". Such strong words made empty...
Bush will go down as the cowboy president that told the world to go fuck themselves. And they did.
Countries that were once centre-stage, getting attention and care and the support of an optimistic world, are now completely ignored in their most horrendous moments of their history. Corruption is rampant the world round since 9-11. And the US sets the standard.
Bush has had some of the worst soundbites on record. "Bring 'em on" is pretty ugly given the damage the Iraq war has done to the American reputation, not to mention the lives of so many victims on both sides. Easy for you to say, Junior.
Calling the war on terror a "crusade" was also just about the worst thing you could possibly say. Showcases both unforgiveable ignorance and political incompetence at the same time. The news cycle has been too fast to keep that one in the minds of the American public, but really, given our current situation, the president should probably be the last person to suggest that American military efforts are part of a plan to invade countries and convert them to Christianity. It's like Ann Coulter has a line straight to the Oval Office. And how scary is that??
What the left should be doing right now is going for Bush's throat. Bush is an absolute disaster, and the "homeland" has been safe for long enough that people are able to focus on domestic issues. So while the prez is harping about social security, the democrats really need to illustrate how completely ludicrous the republican "plan" truly is. It's obvious that the idea is to reduce the size of government. That's the only goal. But people are too sucked into the debate and all the details, with so many blowhards on both side constantly muddying the waters.
All anyone really needs to know is that Bush's team is trying to turn America into a free-market free-for-all. Bush's presidency has been totally consistent in one way: he's not afraid to do anything. He's not afraid to do things that would be political suicide for anyone else at any other time. He really is a spoiled boy-King. Doesn't want to hear bad news, and doesn't care if his people hate him.
The democrats need to point out how the "grand plan", the neo-con vision, is not in the best interests of the US or the rest of the world. It is about time that people become to know what it means to be a neo-con. The Project for a New American Century has been out long enough, that people should understand the vision of those that are running things. The neo-cons think that the US should be running the world in basically every possible way. Is that what you believe too?