Monday, December 12, 2005

The Consistency Hoax

The Blog | Kathleen Reardon: The Consistency Hoax | The Huffington Post

The Republicans in power are hypocrites, plain and simple. It is indeed ridiculous and shameful that the GOP is able to maintain an image of consistency and integrity when its words and actions are nothing of the sort.

What happened to "staying on message"? How has that become such an empty phrase? It used to mean, pick a position, and stick with it. Without being too overly cynical, message consistency is mostly a good thing; at least you can be held accountable in theory if you don't follow through. Except that's exactly what the Republicans do. They are consistent depending on when and where they are speaking, and then change their tune when the situation changes. They use weasel words and outright lie if they have to. And they get away with it.

As Kathleen says, it is indeed a hoax that consistency matters, because clearly it doesn't.

What matters is knowing what team you're on, and that winning is everything.


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