George W. Bush Says the DARNDEST THINGS!
funny quotes by President George Bush l Bushisms and Bush mistatements
You know, as much as you'd think the it has become a cliche to point out that George Bush is a moron, every time I read a set of his quotes I have to repeat it. This man is a dud. A lemon. Who's next? When can you start? 2009? Oh, God help us.
I would like someone to create a video, starring Bill Cosby and George Bush, with little George playing the part of the precocious child. Some of his quotes are both shockingly poorly worded and embarrassingly truthful. This is why he gets the laughs at his press conferences. His jokes would make Lenny Bruce blush. I mean, WHO has the balls to refer to "hitting the trifecta" as President when the horses you're referring to are Recession, War, and National Emergency? Oh, Bushie, you say the DARNDEST THINGS!
Who else could pull off a joke about searching for Weapons of Mass Destruction underneath his desk? Wow, our President is so funny I could just pee my pants.
Ever since David Letterman started pointing out Bush's love for a "Joke That's Not Really a Joke", I've remained fascinated by his speeches, although a heavy dose of anti-nauseant is recommended. If you want the truth from Bush, just wait long enough, and he'll lay it out there. He really does believe what he is doing is right (his handlers make sure of that) so he is not afraid to state his administrations true intentions in the end. It is indeed frustrating listening to him, but it's not because he is a liar. It is because he is incapable of forming coherent thoughts and arguments when put on the spot. He does come up with something though, and it is often very telling.
Bush isn't a very good politician. He is good at being charmingly evasive, but successful politicians back up their reassuring smiles with substance. Bush is a miserable failure in this regard, and everybody including the press knows it. The press has basically given up on getting anything substantial from this guy, because it is understood that he just doesn't know any better. The press have become a throng of Art Linkletters and Bill Cosbys, playing straight man to our Comedian in Chief.
But for the same reason we laugh at those cute kids, we can glean something of value from Bush's appearances. His unintentionally truthful statements make it obvious what kind of man he is, and what he and his administration believe. Now the only question is, do WE as the public want the world as George W. Bush sees it?