Saturday, June 26, 2004

blogging for dollars

I will be putting up a PayPal thingee up soon, for those of you who want to support me and my blog. I know I only have three posts, but I figure you can't start begging too soon.

It strikes me as quite interesting seeing more and more blogs with political endorsements. In the future, perhaps political affiliations via weblogs will become a leveler that can improve the effectiveness of democracy. Perhaps we will all be wearing banners, and display links to political fundraisers for our candidates.

At least then our relative influence in democracy would be linked more to our ability to sell ideas than the size of our wallets.

Is e-democracy an area that the left has a distinct advantage in? Could it be? Could the battle of ideas on a fair playing field be too much for the right?

I think maybe...

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

what is the american reality?

do you remember what "real" feels like? or do you think you _know_ what "real" feels like?

who is more real, jessica simpson or lisa simpson? how about OJ simpson?

are we too becoming parodies of ourselves?

can we claim that our reality-creators exist outside our own realities?

what reality has america created for the world?

what reality are you living in?

american reality is born...

living in the american reality?

or is it the american UNreality?

who's to tell in this day and age, in these interesting times?


a canadian comments from the outside on the American Reality that we all live...from within and outside Her borders.